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Commuter Life at Cedar Crest

Commuter Life strives to help commuter students – like you! – become an active part of the college community. While your academic career is important, college shouldn’t be just about attending classes and studying. We encourage commuters to take part in campus events and activities, clubs, and organizations on campus. We want your experience at Cedar Crest to be rewarding and satisfying!

Because we believe that commuters are an important part of campus life, we offer commuter students (traditional, adult students, and graduate students) additional services, programs, and outreach to help you adjust to life both on- and off-campus.

How do we define commuter students?

Cedar Crest College and Student Engagement defines a commuter student as any student living off campus. If you are not residing in college-owned housing, you are a commuter. This includes traditional, adult, graduate, part-time, full-time or visiting students for the summer.

What can commuter students expect?

  • Ideas and insight on how to adjust to a new, more complex academic environment
  • Advice and tips on commuter issues such as parking, registration, where to eat, and campus social life
  • Knowledge of campus opportunities and College resources
  • Increased awareness of leadership opportunities, student life, clubs, organizations and activities
  • Introduction to faculty, staff, and peers
  • Opportunities to build friends and extend support systems
  • Support and guidance from Student Affairs and SAB (Student Activities Board)

How do I inquire about Commuter Life at Cedar Crest College?

The Student Activities Board (SAB) sponsors events and services for all commuter students. The Student Lounge is located on the first floor of the Tompkins College Center. Student Engagement also provides information on Commuter Life.

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