Elizabeth Wilson
Chief Financial Officer and TreasurerPhone: 610-606-4666 (x3312)

Robert A. Wilson
Provost and Vice President for Academic AffairsBlaney Hall 116
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3474)
Email: rawilson@cedarcrest.edu

William Wrightsman
Director of the Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program/Assistant ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 34
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4486)

Michael Zalot
Chair of Business, Director of the Modular Master of Science program, and Associate ProfessorCurtis Hall 200
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4453)
Email: michael.zalot@cedarcrest.edu

Angelica Zimmerman
Associate Director of Admissions and Athletic RecruitmentBlaney Hall 105
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3363)
PA Counties
NJ Counties
Angelica Zimmerman
PA Counties
- Lehigh
- Northampton
NJ Counties
- Hunterdon
- Morris
- Sussex
- Warren
- California
- Florida
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Washington

Eric Zubia
Grounds WorkerLees Hall-Lower Level
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3454)
Email: ejzubia@cedarcrest.edu

Sara Zucker
Records and Registration SpecialistCurtis Hall 136
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3532)
Email: sara.zucker@cedarcrest.edu

Catherine Zurawski
Chair of Graduate Nursing Programs/Associate ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 19
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3342)