Martine Scannavino
Professor/Chair, The Allen Chair of Nutrition, Director of the Master in Nutrition, Director of the Dietetic InternshipMiller Bldg 18
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3486)
Email: miscanna@cedarcrest.edu

James Scepansky
Chair/Associate ProfessorCurtis Hall 118
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3424)
Email: jascepan@cedarcrest.edu

Leslee Schoonover
Scheduling Coordinator Undergraduate Nursing ProgramsHamilton Blvd Bldg 15
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4527)

Kelsee Schouppe
Aquatic SpecialistRodale Aquatic Center
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4670)
Email: kpschoup@cedarcrest.edu

Carolyn Serva
Manager of Grants and FoundationsBlaney Hall 201
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3339)
Email: carolyn.serva@cedarcrest.edu

Rachael Shankweiler
Maintenance Technician/Events Set UPSafety and Facilities Bldg
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3450)

Alicia Shussett
Office Manager, Dean of Students OfficeCressman Library 322
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3484)
Email: ashusset@cedarcrest.edu