Level 1 • 3 Students per instructor
Primary focus: Bubbles, bobbing, back float
Exit skills: Bob with head fully submerged; assisted float on front and back
Level 1+ • 3 Students per instructor
Primary focus: Face in water; independent swim with kicking and arm movement
Exit skills: Independent swim on front for 5 feet
Level 2 • 3 Students per instructor
Primary focus: Kicking with straight legs; front and back arm action
Exit skills: Independent front and back floating; independent swim on front with face in water and back using arms and legs for 15 feet
Level 2+ • 4 Students per instructor
Primary focus: Freestyle and backstroke with effective kicks and arm action; endurance
Exit skills: Freestyle and backstroke with proper arm and leg action for 25 feet
Level 3 • 4 Students per instructor
Primary focus: Freestyle with bi-lateral side breathing; backstroke, elementary backstroke
Exit skills: Freestyle with bi-lateral side breathing for 15 yards; backstroke and elementary backstroke for 15 yards; tread water for 30 seconds
Level 3+ • 4 Students per instructor
Primary focus: Proficient in freestyle, backstroke and elementary backstroke; endurance and confidence in large pool
Exit skills: Kneeling dive in deep end of large pool; freestyle with bi-lateral side breathing 15 yards, backstroke and elementary backstroke in large pool for 15 yards, tread water for 30 seconds
Level 4 • 5 Students per instructor
Primary focus: Breaststroke, improving technique, endurance and lap swimming
Exit skills: Standing dive; freestyle with bi-lateral side breathing 25 yards; breaststroke 25 yards; elementary backstroke 25 yards; tread water 1 minute
Level 5 • 5 Students per instructor
Primary focus: Butterfly; technique of all strokes, endurance
Exit skills: Standing dive; freestyle 50 yards; breaststroke 25 yards; backstroke 25 yards; butterfly 15 yards; tread water 2 minutes
Level 5+ • 8 Students per instructor
Primary focus: Preparation for FAST
Exit skills: Freestyle 100 yards; backstroke 50 yards; breaststroke and butterfly 25 yards; streamline on back 25 yards; streamline underwater starts