Want to Learn More?
A 15-month ABSN = accelerated while being realistic
We see you becoming a skilled nurse, ready to provide high-quality healthcare in just 15 months. Our 15-month structure ensures students remain on an accelerated track, while still benefiting from scheduled breaks.
If you already have a bachelor’s degree (or will have one by May) our Accelerated BSN program can prepare you to enter the field of nursing and care for your patients with confidence.
You’ll receive the same exceptional and rigorous training that is the hallmark of the School of Nursing at Cedar Crest, in a 15-month format that allows you to start your career as a nurse more quickly. We also offer evening course options so that you can work on becoming a nurse even with your busy schedule.
Program Delivery
This is a full-time, 54-credit program delivered on our campus in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Cohorts begin the program during the College’s Summer Term, which starts in May each year. Our 15-month structure ensures students remain on an accelerated track, while still benefiting from scheduled breaks. The curriculum also includes, at no additional per-credit cost, three graduate-level credits and the option to complete another six graduate credits. This can help students interested in graduate studies seamlessly transition to our Master of Science in Nursing programs, which include Nurse Educator, Nurse Administrator and Nurse Practitioner tracks. All courses are taught by Cedar Crest School of Nursing faculty.
Admission Requirements
The ABSN is open to both female and male students that successfully meet the following requirements:
- Non-nursing bachelor’s degree
- Overall GPA of 3.0
- Interview with nursing program faculty
The Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) is waived for the ABSN program.
Required Nursing Prerequisites
Anatomy and Physiology I
Anatomy and Physiology II
Clinical Microbiology
Concepts in Chemistry
Principles of Human Nutrition
Probability and Statistics
Introduction to Psychology
Life-Span Development
Introduction to Sociology
Coming to Cedar Crest with some previous credits under your belt? We see how hard you worked for your previous credits, so that’s why we’ve developed a generous transfer credit policy. Our transfer counselors will help you make sure you can finish strong.
Students have the ability to enter the prelicensure Nursing Program in one of five distinct tracks, which provides the opportunity to select the most appropriate track for their course of study. Program tracks include:
- Full-Time Program Option: Fall Start
- Part-Time Day Program Option: Summer Start
- Part-Time Evening/Weekend Program Option: Spring Start
- Accelerated BSN Program (ABSN) Program Option: Summer Start
After completion of the pre-requisite coursework, the Full-Time, and Part-Time Program Options take 2 years for completion while the ABSN Program Option allows students to complete the program in 15 months. Attendance in Summer semesters are required in the Part-Time Program Option.
Undergraduate Nursing Program Curriculum
The curriculum of the Undergraduate Program at Cedar Crest College is based on the professional standards, guidelines, and competencies of:
- The American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice,
- Quality and Safety in Education for Nurses (QSEN), and
- National Academy of Medicine Competencies for Nursing Education
The curriculum builds upon the foundational knowledge of the liberal arts, allowing students to obtain core nursing knowledge, core nursing competencies, and professional role development through their classroom and clinical work.
Undergraduate Nursing Program Clinical Experience
- A total of 819 clinical/laboratory hours across a variety of patient care settings
- 105 clinical hours in Independent Practicum spent 1:1 with a nurse preceptor.
- Students spend time in clinical experiences that include peer leadership, service-learning and mentoring.
- Simulation experiences across a variety of patient care settings using state-of-the-art high-fidelity human patient simulators and standardized patients.
How To Apply
Applying is free and straightforward—because we believe nothing should stand in the way of your dreams!

Dive A Little Deeper
Tuition Reduction
Tuition for the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) programs have been reduced beginning in the Fall 2024 semester, making them comparable to similar nursing programs in the Lehigh Valley. Click below to read more about the tuition reductions. (Note: ABSN and CRNA programs not included)
Spring Open House

Upcoming Adult Admissions Events
Cooperative Agreements
Cedar Crest College collaborates with several academic institutions to provide our students with innovative pathways that help them succeed in their chosen fields.

Transfer Credits
We offer one of the most generous transfer credit policies in the Lehigh Valley, and our transfer scholarships make the price of your Cedar Crest education even more affordable.


The master’s degree program in nursing, Doctor of Nursing Practice program and post-graduate APRN certificate program at Cedar Crest College are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.

The baccalaureate, master’s, post master’s certificate nursing programs at Cedar Crest College located in Allentown, PA are accredited by the: Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN). 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326 (404) 975-5000 acenursing.org
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the baccalaureate, master’s and post master’s certificate nursing programs is continuing accreditation.
View the public information disclosed by the ACEN regarding this program on the ACEN website: https://www.acenursing.org/search-programs
Faculty & Staff
Who’s teaching you is as important as the curriculum you choose.
Let’s put a face to some of the names you’ll be seeing on the course listings!

Wendy Robb
Dean for the School of Nursing/Professor
Sandra Axt
Coordinator RN to BSN Program/Senior Instructor
Christine Batchelor
Karen Bensinger
Assistant Professor
Gail Brown
Clinical Coach and Resource Specialist/Instructor
Deborah Burnett-Olsen
Director of the Nurse Anesthesia Program/Assistant Professor
Nancy Crane-Roberts
Director of Health Services/Assistant Professor
Jacklyn DelPrete
Assistant Director of Graduate Nursing Programs
Amy Droskinis
Eileen Fruchtl
Director of the Accelerated BSN Program/Senior Instructor
Jill Hanisak
Assistant Professor

Mae Ann Pasquale
Associate Professor
Roxann Wagner
Senior Instructor
Teresa A. Wenner
Chair of Undergraduate Nursing Programs/Assistant Professor
Catherine Zurawski
Chair of Graduate Nursing Programs/Associate Professor
Stefanie Cecconi
Scheduling Coordinator Graduate Nursing Programs
Brendan Conway
Nursing Simulation Center Technician
Tamara Eddinger
Office Manager, Clinical Liaison
Adam Hough
Nursing Simulation Center Manager
Mackenzie Lewis
Administrative Assistant Undergraduate Nursing Programs
Tricia Ouellette
Administrative Assistant Graduate Nursing Programs
Michelle Rieder
Nursing Simulation Operation Specialist
Leslee Schoonover
Scheduling Coordinator Undergraduate Nursing Programs
- School of Adult and Graduate Education
- sage@cedarcrest.edu
- P: 610-740-3770
- Traditional Admissions
- admissions@cedarcrest.edu
- P: 800-360-1222
- F: 610-740-3780