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Parking and Traffic Regulations

Campus Police is located in the Safety & Facilities Building behind Curtis Hall. Any questions or problems relating to motor vehicles and/or parking on campus should be directed to the Chief of Campus Police at ext. 3523.

Vehicle Registration is for everyone. All faculty, staff, students and contract employees must register their vehicle(s) at the Campus Police office within 24 hours of entering campus. Campus Police is open 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week. To register, students, staff and faculty will need to show their vehicle registration, proof of insurance, current driver’s license and Cedar Crest College photo ID to obtain their decals. Contract employees (such as Parkhurst and Barnes & Noble) not having a Cedar Crest College identification will need to show a valid driver’s license, vehicle registration and proof of insurance to receive a Staff parking decal. Remember to report any changes to Campus Police immediately. While there is no fee for motor vehicle registration, failure to register and properly display a decal does result in a $20.00 fine. Continued failure to comply with all Parking and Traffic Regulations will invalidate your decal and its privileges. Mutilated or defaced decals are considered invalid and must be replaced. On campus parking privileges terminate upon separation from the College.

Campus traffic regulations are to be adhered to at all times. The student, staff or faculty member to whom the vehicle is registered is liable for any violations, regardless of who operates the vehicle.

Fines are incurred for the following violations:

  • Parking within an intersection
  • Parking on a crosswalk or sidewalk
  • Littering
  • Parking on a lawn or sodded area
  • Parking in a restricted lot
  • Parking in a reserved parking space
  • Parking in a loading/unloading zone
  • Parking in a space area not marked for parking
  • Parking in a restricted area
  • Blocking a fire hydrant or fire lane
  • Obstructing traffic
  • Vehicle not registered/parking decal not displayed
  • Failure to stop at a stop sign
  • Speeding (over 15 M.P.H.) /driving to fast for conditions
  • Driving the wrong way on a one-way street
  • Failure to obey traffic control signal of Campus Police Officer
  • Reckless Driving
  • Fraudulent use of decal
  • Parking on a restricted service/access road
  • First-year student parking violation
  • Failure to park in the direction of the driving lane
  • Failure to park pulled into a diagonal parking space
  • Leaving the scene of an accident
  • PA Vehicle Code

Unless approved by the Chief of Campus Police, no vehicles are to be left on campus during summer/winter breaks.

Where to Park

First Year Resident Student Parking

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24 hours
Lot C – West of Alumnae Hall, within designated parking spaces MARKED IN YELLOW in the northwest section of the lot.

Weekends 6PM Friday to 6PM Sunday
Lot G – North of Steinbright Hall
North and South Quad roads in front of Residence Halls (and at unrestricted times in Cressman Library spaces)
Roadway behind Butz Hall and Curtis Hall (Except where restricted by signs)

Upper Class Resident Student Parking

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24 hours
Lot C – West of Alumnae Hall, except for the first three rows West Road
Lot E – West of the Boiler House and adjacent roadway
Lot F – behind Lot E (Note: Lot F floods during heavy rains)
Lot G – North of Steinbright Hall
North and South Quad roads in front of Residence Halls (and at unrestricted times in Cressman Library spaces)
Roadway behind Butz Hall and Curtis Hall (Except where restricted by signs)
Behind Safety & Facilities Building (except where restricted by signs) and adjacent roadway

After 5PM and on Weekends & Holidays
Lot D – East of Alumnae HallBlaney Hall Circle
Lot H – West of the Allen House
South of Lees Hall
South of Curtis Hall (Except where restricted by signs)
Lot B – South of Miller / Pool Science / Oberkotter Buildings DaVinci Discovery Center Lot

Commuter Student Parking

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General Parking
Lot C -West of Alumnae Hall
West Road
Front of the Cressman Library
North of Curtis Hall Roadway behind Butz Hall and Curtis Hall (Except where restricted by signs)
Lot E – West of the Boiler House and adjacent roadway
Lot F – behind Lot E (Note: Lot F floods during heavy rains)
Lot G – North of Steinbright Hall Behind Safety & Facilities Building (except where restricted by signs) and adjacent roadway
North of the Hamilton Boulevard Building

After 5PM and on Weekends and Holidays
Lot D – East of Alumnae Hall Blaney Hall Circle
Lot H – West of the Allen House South of Lees Hall
South of Curtis Hall (Except where restricted by signs)
DaVinci Discovery Center Lot
Lot B – South of Miller / Pool Science / Oberkotter Buildings
After 8 p.m. and on weekends and holidays – East of the Hamilton Boulevard Building

Residence Hall Visitor Parking

Click here for map

General Parking
Lot – C West of Alumnae Hall, except for the first three rows
Lot – E West of the Boiler House and adjacent roadway
Lot – F behind Lot E (Note: Lot F floods during heavy rains)

Weekends 6PM Friday to 6PM Sunday
Lot G – North of Steinbright Hall North and South Quad roads in front of Residence Halls
Roadway behind Butz Hall and Curtis Hall (as shown on map or where restricted by signs)

Staff and Faculty Parking

Click here for map

More Parking Information

The responsibility for locating an authorized parking space rests with the operator of the vehicle.

Illegally parked vehicles are subject to being towed at the owner’s expense. Overnight parking in the first three rows of Lot C West of Alumnae Hall is prohibited. Parking and traffic flow may change as warrants for special events and/or emergencies, snow removal, repairs, etc. Also, during snow removal operations, you may be required to move your vehicle in order to facilitate snow removal and insure maximum availability of parking spaces.

The College assumes no responsibility for damages incurred by fire, theft, accident, flood or vandalism.

Park only in a space designated by ground markings as a lined parking space.

You are expected to notify your visitors in advance of campus parking and traffic regulations. L.V.A.I.C. students who are taking classes on campus must follow commuter student parking regulations.Parking spaces designated for a specific individual are reserved 24/7.

15-minute loading/unloading areas are available in front of the residence halls for your convenience provided your 4-way flashers are on.

Enforcement of Traffic and Parking Violations

Fines must be paid or appealed within 72 hours of issue; a 50% surcharge is added after 72 hours.

Fines that have not been paid or appealed within 72 hours of issue may be turned over to the District Magistrate, which could result in additional court costs AND possibly the suspension of your driver’s license.

Students with unpaid fines will have their grades/transcripts withheld until the fines are paid.

Appeals must be filed in writing to the Chief of Campus Police within 72 hours of issue. All decisions will be sent to you by mail.

Obtain form from:
Cashier’s Office (Blaney Hall, Room 212)
Campus Police (Safety & Facilities Building)

Prepare a statement to include:

  • Your citation number.
  • Your vehicle license number.
  • The date the citation was issued.
  • A statement of the facts and circumstances surrounding the citation
  • Signed statements of witnesses, if any.

Mail or deliver to the Chief of Campus Police.

Fines are payable at the Finance Office Cashier’s Window located on the second floor of Blaney Hall from 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. weekdays, or in the Cashier’s Window Drop Box at the same location.

Payment can also be mailed to:
Cedar Crest College
Finance Office
100 College Drive
Allentown, PA 18104-6196.

Did you know that we offer campus safety escorts?

Contact the College Switchboard Operator by dialing ‘0’ to access this service any time and a member of Campus Police will be dispatched to provide you with an escort.

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