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Cedar Crest College Campus Police

Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Cedar Crest College Campus Police (hereinafter “Campus Police ”) to serve our College community with pride, respect and dignity in our daily service to Cedar Crest College, its faculty, staff, students and guests, and to carry out our duties with professionalism, courage and strength.

Cedar Crest College has 1,290 undergraduate and graduate students enrolled in classes during fall semester of the 2024/2025 academic year

The College has a total of 329 students and for the fall semester living in campus housing during the
2024/2025 academic year.

There are 367 non-student employees working on campus: 75 full time and part time faculty members, 126 Adjuncts and 166 full time and part time staff members.

Campus Police

The primary function of the Cedar Crest College Campus Police is to provide for the safety and welfare of all members of the College community. The Campus Police currently consists of 7 full- and part-time officers. Officers are trained and certified in Act 235 (Lethal Weapons Training Act). Officers are qualified to use and to carry firearms and other defensive tools. Officers are also trained in CPR, First Aid, the use of emergency oxygen and the use of an Automated External Defibrillator (AED). Additional courses in police-related topics such as; procedure, crime prevention, criminal investigation, narcotics, etc., are provided whenever possible.

Campus Police is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In addition to our 7 officers, we have 4 staff members that are utilized for dispatch duty and act as the main switchboard operators for the College. In the event of an emergency, members of the College community can contact the Campus Police by pressing “0” any campus telephone or by calling 610-437-4471 (Option “0”) from any off-campus telephone.

Patrols are maintained with two readily identifiable Ford Interceptor SUVs. The patrol vehicles contain basic medical and first-aid equipment, fire extinguishers and traffic cones. Bicycle patrols with officers in distinctive uniforms also patrol campus. These environmentally friendly patrols provide visibility and community-oriented policing throughout the spring, summer and fall seasons.

Foot patrol is encouraged on campus and inside buildings. Officers on foot are more visible which results in one-on-one contact and encourages a working rapport with the College community. Buildings and grounds are patrolled to determine the presence of unauthorized persons, observe any safety violations and the general condition of the College facilities. Roadways and parking areas are patrolled to ensure compliance with the College Traffic and Parking Regulations. Buildings are locked and unlocked according to schedules. Violations of College regulations, as well as the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, are dealt with in accordance with college policies, as well as local, state and federal statutes.

Authority and Jurisdiction

CCC Campus Police officers who have been commissioned have complete police authority to apprehend and arrest anyone involved in illegal acts on campus and areas immediately adjacent to the campus. These powers are granted by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. If minor offenses involving CCC rules and regulations are committed by a CCC student, Campus Police officers may also refer the individual for disciplinary action by the Dean of Student Affairs.

Major offenses are reported to the local police and joint investigative efforts with officers from CCC and the local police are deployed to solve these serious incidents. The prosecution of all criminal offenses is conducted in the Court of Common Pleas of Lehigh County. Campus Police personnel work closely with local police agencies.

Video: RUN. HIDE. FIGHT.® Surviving an Active Shooter Event

Active Shooter
An active shooter is a person who appears to be actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a populated area. In most cases, active shooters use firearms, and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims. These situations are dynamic and evolve rapidly, demanding immediate deployment of law enforcement resources to stop the shooting and mitigate harm to innocent victims. This document provides guidance to faculty, staff, and students who may be caught in an active shooter situation and describes what to expect from responding police officers.

Response to an active shooter
1. RUN — If you are in a classroom or office and an active shooter incident arises, you should only try to leave the area if you can SAFELY do so.

Those who get safely out of the area should move toward any police units, keeping hands on top of their heads and doing exactly what the Police tell them to do.

Once you have encountered the police, pass on vital information to them, such as: the number of shooters, description of shooters, location of incident.

If no police units are yet on scene move well away from the school and find safe cover positions (not the parking lots).

If the windows don’t open, or you cannot break them, or you are not on a ground floor, get out of sight from the door and stay low and quiet.

Keep others calm and quiet

2. HIDE — If you cannot safely leave the room, or office STAY THERE, and lock the door. If the door has no lock, attempt to block the door as much as you can or place a door wedge hard under the doorway. Turn off the lights and silence your phones.

If you are in the hallways and cannot get out of the building safely, go to a room that is not already secured and secure it.

Unless you’re close to an exit, don’t run through a long hall to get to one, you may encounter the gunmen or hostage taker.

Don’t hide in restrooms!!

If in a theater or gym area and the gunmen or hostage taker(s) are not present, move to and out the external exits away from where the incident might be happening and move toward any police unit.

Again, keep your hands up and in plain sight. Do what the police tell you!

3. FIGHT — Look for anything that can be used as a weapon, in case you have to defend yourself if the shooter makes it into the room. Attacking the shooter is not a recommendation to fight but rather a choice to fight where there are no other options left

If you get trapped in the room with the shooter, don’t do anything to provoke the shooter.
If they are not shooting, do what they say and don’t move suddenly.

Only you can draw the line on what you will or will not do to preserve your life or the lives of others.

If shooting starts, you need to make your own choice, stay still and hope they don’t shoot, run for an exit in a “zig zag” fashion, or attack the shooter.

Again, attacking the shooter is not a recommendation to fight but rather a choice to fight where there are no other options left.

Campus Police Response

  • If an incident occurs on campus, Cedar Crest College Campus Police officers will be the first responders and are trained to deal with the situation
  • Campus Police Officers primary objective will be to confront the suspect(s) and neutralize the threat
  • Outside agencies will respond and work with Campus Police

What to Expect From Responding Police Officers
Campus police and other police officers responding to an active shooter are trained to proceed immediately to the area in which shots were last heard. Their purpose is to stop the shooting as quickly as possible.

  • Everyone in the building will be considered a suspect
  • When officers make contact with you, do not run towards them
  • Keep your hands visible and respond to their commands
  • Officers will engage with fire on anyone that is armed or moves towards them in what can be perceived an aggressive manner
  • If you are near the suspect/s when officers make entry, the best thing to do is drop as low as you can and stay there, with your hands visible until the team commands you to get up.

The officers may be armed with rifles, shotguns, or handguns and might be using pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation.

Remain calm, do as the officers tell you, and do not be afraid of them. Put down any bags or packages you may be carrying and keep your hands visible at all times. If you know where the shooter is, tell the officers. The first officers to arrive will not stop to aid injured people; rescue teams composed of other officers and emergency medical personnel will follow the first officers into secured areas to treat and remove injured persons.

Keep in mind that even once you have escaped to a safer location, the entire area is still a crime scene; police usually will not let anyone leave until the situation is fully under control and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Until you are released, remain at whatever assembly point authorities designate.


Active Shooter: A suspect who’s activity is immediately causing death and serious bodily injury. The activity is not contained and there is immediate risk of death and serious injury to potential victims.

Barricaded Suspect: A suspect who’s in a position of advantage, usually barricaded in a room or a building and is armed and has displayed violence. May or may not be holding hostages and there is no indication that the subject’s activity is immediately causing death or serious bodily injury.

Dynamic Situation: The situation is evolving very rapidly along with the suspect’s action. Example: The shooter is moving and shooting.

Static Situation: The situation is not evolving or in motion. The suspect appears to be contained. Example: The suspect is barricaded in a room.

Traditional Deployment: A tactical concept where Officers maintain a secure perimeter around a life threatening armed suspect situation and wait until specially trained units (S.E.B., S.W.A.T., etc.) arrive at the scene to finally intervene.

Rapid Deployment: The swift and immediate deployment of law enforcement personnel to on-going, life threatening situations where delayed deployment could otherwise result in death or great bodily injury to innocent persons.

The possession, sale or furnishing of alcohol on the CCC campus is governed by the CCC Alcohol Policy and by Pennsylvania state law. Laws regarding the possession, sale, consumption or furnishing of alcohol are controlled by the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (hereinafter “PLCB”). However, the enforcement of alcohol laws on the CCC campus is the primary responsibility of the Campus Police. It is unlawful to sell, furnish or provide alcohol to a person under the age of 21. The possession of alcohol by anyone under 21 years of age is illegal. It is also a violation of the CCC Alcohol Policy for anyone to consume or possess alcohol in any public area of campus without prior College approval. Only under certain circumstances is the consumption of alcohol permitted. Organizations holding events on campus where they will serve alcohol must first register with the Student Affairs office. A specific registration form (#73) is utilized for such events. Organizations or groups violating alcohol/substance policies or laws may be subject to sanction by CCC.

The CCC campus has been designated “drug free.” The possession, sale, manufacture or distribution of any controlled substance is illegal under both state and federal laws. Such laws are strictly enforced by CCC Campus Security. Violators are subject to CCC disciplinary action, criminal prosecution, fine and imprisonment.

Alcohol and Substance Abuse Information

Prevention Programs

CCC has developed a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees. The program provides services related to drug use and alcohol abuse including dissemination of informational materials, educational programs, counseling services, referrals and CCC disciplinary actions. However, many services are the responsibility of other areas of the College.

These include:

  • Alcohol and Drug Education: Campus Police (Phone: 610-437-4471)
  • Counseling Services: Health Services (Phone: 610-606-4640)
  • Referral Services: Health Services (Phone: 610-606-4640)
  • College Disciplinary Actions: Dean and Associate Dean of Student
    Affairs (Phone: 610-606-4603)

Legal Sanctions – Laws Governing Alcohol

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania sets 21 as the minimum age to purchase or possess any alcoholic beverage.

Specific ordinances regarding violations of alcohol laws, including driving while intoxicated, are available from Campus Security. However, a few very important sections are listed below:

  1. Persons under age 21 charged for possessing alcohol under Pennsylvania law may be given a maximum fine of $1,000 and face a suspension of their driving privileges.
  2. Anyone convicted of fraudulently using a driver’s license to buy or attempt to buy alcohol may have her/his driver’s license suspended for up to 90 days, as well as face substantial fines.
  3. Persons convicted of buying alcohol through fraudulent means face a possible $1,000 fine and face a suspension of their driving privileges.
  4. Effective February 2004 the legal level of driving under the influence of alcohol was reduced to .08 in Pennsylvania.
  5. The City of Allentown maintains an open container of alcohol ordinance. Anyone convicted of such a violation faces a fine of $500. A violation of any law regarding alcohol is also a violation of CCC’s Student Code of Conduct and will be treated as a separate disciplinary matter by CCC.


This procedure is intended to provide officers with instructions on when and how to use Body-Worn Cameras (BWCs) so that officers may reliably record their contacts with the campus community while also protecting the privacy rights of all parties being recorded in accordance with Pennsylvania state law.


Cedar Crest College Campus Police has adopted the use of the BWC to accomplish several objectives. The Primary objectives are as follows:

  1. Accurate documentation of Campus Police Officer’s interaction with the public, faculty, staff and students, as well as incidents that occur on campus.
  2. Enhance the accuracy of officer reports and testimony in court.
  3. Promote accountability and transparency by creating a video record of applicable police activity.
  4. Enhance this agency’s ability to review probable cause for disciplinary action, arrest, officer and suspect interaction and evidence for investigative and prosecutorial purposes.
  5. Provide additional information for officer performance evaluations and to assist the agency as a training aid.
  6. BWCs may also be used in documenting incidents and accident scenes or other events that include the confiscation and documentation of evidence or contraband.


1. All personnel who may use or otherwise be involved with BWCs will receive initial training on BWC usage and protocols and prior to use, with annual refresher training thereafter. Such training will include the following:
A. All practices and protocols covered by this BWC policy.
B. An overview of relevant state laws governing consent, evidence, victim and witness privacy, and public disclosure.
C. Best practices in responding to crime victims, including the privacy considerations included under 42 Pa. C.S. § 67A07(a)(2), obtaining informed consent to record, and a trauma informed response.
D. Additional training may be required at periodic intervals to ensure the continued effective use and operation of the equipment, proper calibration and performance and to incorporate changes, updates or other revisions in the procedure and equipment.


A. Operating and Utilizing BWC systems
1. BWCs will be managed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and trainings.
2. BWC equipment is issued primarily to uniformed personnel as authorized by the Chief of Campus Police. Officers who are assigned BWC equipment must use the equipment unless otherwise authorized by the Chief of Campus Police.
3. Uniformed officers will wear all supplied components of the BWC system and verify the BWC is properly positioned to clearly record police activities and incidents.
4. Officers will inspect and conduct a field test of the BWC before each shift or special event assignment to verify the device is functioning properly.
5. Officers will not use a BWC assigned to another officer.
6. BWC equipment is the responsibility of individual officers and will be used with reasonable care to ensure proper functioning. Officers will immediately report a malfunctioning BWC to a supervisor so that a replacement unit may be procured.
a. The agency will be issued additional BWC devises designated to be temporarily assigned to an officer if an officer’s assigned device is inoperable.
b. In the event a BWC is temporarily assigned to an officer, the supervisor will notify the Chief of Campus Police by the next business day with the pertinent information to allow for proper video and audio tracking in the records management system.
7. At the end of every shift or event assignment, devises will be placed into an appropriate docking station for the transfer of video footage to the college’s storage system.
8. Officer will keep their BWC powered on during their assigned shifts and will intermittently inspect their BWC for proper functioning.
9. Officers will activate the BWC during all dispatched incidents, as well as to record campus community contacts within the performance of official duties.
10. If an officer fails to activate or deactivate their BWC according to policy, fails to record the entire contact, interrupts the recording, or fails to upload their BWC promptly, whether intentionally or accidentally, the officer shall report the incident to their supervisor and document why a recording was not made, was interrupted, was terminated or not uploaded.
11. Campus Police Officers shall use only BWC’s issued by this department that has been approved for use in accordance with equipment standards published in the Pennsylvania Bulletin. The use of personally – or privately – owned recording equipment for documentation purposes is prohibited. The BWC equipment and all data, images, video and metadata captured, recorded or otherwise produced by the equipment is the sole property of Cedar Crest College.
12. No public individuals shall be allowed to review recordings without permission from the Chief of Campus Police. Exceptions can be made for law enforcement officers conducting a criminal investigation.
13. Officers will conduct proper identification as a law enforcement officer when utilizing BWC equipment and must inform all individuals identifiably present, as soon as reasonably practicable, that the BWC is being utilized to record the encounter/incident. Officers will not lead a person to believe the BWC has been deactivated when in fact, the BWC is left active.
14. In locations where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a residence hall dorm rooms and apartments, they may decline to be recorded. If the recording is being made in pursuant to a policy violation or search of the room, apartment or individuals officers may continue recording. The BWC shall remain activated until the event is completed in order to ensure the integrity of the recording, unless the contact moves into an area restricted by these instructions.
15. Subject to paragraphs 16, 17, or 18 below, officers should begin BWC recordings in the following circumstances unless doing so would be unsafe, impossible, or impractical.
a. at the initiation of a call for service or other activity that is investigative or enforcement in nature, or an encounter between the officer and a member of the public that is investigative or enforcement in nature. Examples of these types of encounters may include, but are not limited to:
1. When the officer initiates response to an incident or emergency;
2. When performing police emergency response driving;
3. During traffic or pedestrian stops, including the investigation of a vehicle and occupants already stopped or parked. Officers equipped with the BWC will continue to record until the stopped vehicle departs or officers leave the scene;
4. During the entirety of vehicle or foot pursuits;
A. Activate the BWC before initiating a vehicle or foot pursuit.
B. Deactivate the BWC when there is a failure to apprehend the vehicle or subject, with permission from a supervisor.
5. While conducting field interviews, interrogations and intoxication testing;
6. When seeking consent to search without a warrant, including searches of persons, buildings, or vehicles, including the request and consent when practical;
7. When transporting individuals in any Department vehicle to any location;
8. When taking a statement or information from a victim or witness;
9. When assigned to monitor or provide crowd control at a protest or demonstration; or
10. Any encounter that becomes confrontational after the initial contact.
16. If officers are unable to begin recording with the BWC due to circumstances making it unsafe, impossible, or impractical to do so, officers should begin recording with the BWC at the first reasonable opportunity to do so. Officers should document, in writing, the circumstances preventing them from activating the BWC and provide that documentation to their supervisor.
17. Upon conclusion of the incident involving circumstances giving rise to the recording in paragraphs 9 and 15 above, the officer will record a short statement that the incident has concluded, and then deactivate the recording. If, after deactivation that is authorized or required under this policy, the BWC is reactivated, upon reactivation of the BWC, the officer will state that the recording will resume.
18. Notwithstanding the activation requirements in paragraphs 9 and 15 above, the following are circumstances wherein BWCs should be deactivated:
a. When victims, witnesses or other individuals wish to make a statement or share information, but refuse to do so while being recorded, or request that the camera be turned off, officers should turn off the BWC in order to obtain the statement or information. If the encounter begins when the BWC is not actively recording, the law enforcement officer should, but is not required to, temporarily activate the BWC for the sole purpose of documenting person’s refusal to be recorded.
b. Prior to recording an interview of a sexual assault or trauma victims, officers must request and obtain consent before recording and document the consent on the recording. If the encounter begins when the BWC is not actively recording and consent is requested but not obtained, the officer should, but is not required, to temporarily activate the BWC for the sole purpose of documenting that the victim declined consent to be recorded.
c. If directed to deactivate or not to record by a supervisor, unless the officer believes the order to be illegal, unethical, or in conflict with department policy. Officers should seek clarification from the supervisor as to the reason for deactivation. Officers will record the name and position of the supervisor in their statement before deactivation.
19. Officers shall not edit, alter, erase, duplicate, copy, share or otherwise distribute in any manner BWC recordings without prior written authorization and approval of the Chief of Campus Police. This does not include the regular transferring of files from the BWC to permanent storage.
20. Officers are encouraged to inform their supervisor of any recordings that may be of value for training purposes.
21. If an officer is suspected of wrongdoing or involved in any use of force incident the college administration reserves the right to limit or restrict an officer from viewing the video file.
22. Requests for deletion of portions of the recordings (e.g., in the event of a personal recording) must be submitted in writing and approved by the Chief of Public Safety or his designee. All requests and final decisions shall be kept on file.
23. Officers shall note in incident reports when recordings were made during the incident in questions, However, BWC recordings are not a replacement for written reports.

Restrictions on Using the BWC

BWC’s shall be used only in conjunction with official Police duties.

The BWC will not be used to record:
1.Communications with other Campus Police personnel and/or college Faculty/staff performing normal duties without the permission of the Chief.
2. When on break or otherwise engaged in personal activities.
3.In any location where individuals have a reasonable expectation of privacy, such as a restroom or locker room, except during an active incident (e.g. foot pursuit that leads into a locker room).
4. In any detention facility or hospital facility (when confidential patient information may be recorded) except during an active incident (e.g., disorderly person).
5. While conducting body cavity or strip searches.


1. All files shall be securely downloaded by the Chief of Campus Police or his designee periodically and no later than the end of each week. Each file shall contain information related to the date, BWC identifier and assigned officer. (ex: 101822.1 )
2. All images and sounds recorded by the BWC are the exclusive property of Cedar Crest College. Accessing, copying or releasing files for non-law enforcement purposes is strictly prohibited.
3. All access to BWC data (images, sounds and metadata) must be specifically authorized by the Chief of Campus Police or his designee and all access is to be audited to ensure that only authorized users are accessing the data for legitimate and authorized purposes.
4.Files should be securely stored in accordance with state records retention laws and no longer than useful for purposes of training or for use in an investigation or prosecution, in capital punishment prosecution, recordings shall be kept until the offender is no longer under control of a criminal justice agency.
5. Retention Periods:
a.Body camera footage saved as part of a specific incident will be placed with the L drive and retained for 7 years per Clery requirements.
b. All other camera footage can be deleted after 300-days.

Supervisory Responsibilities

1.Supervisory personnel shall ensure that officers equipped with BWC devices utilize them in accordance with these procedures defined herein.
2. Supervisors will be responsible for the secure transfer of video files from an officer’s BWC to permanent storage after their shift.
3. At least on a monthly basis, supervisors will randomly review BWC recordings to ensure that the equipment is operating properly and that officers are using the devices in accordance with this policy.
4. Investigate and document all incidents involving an officer who fails to activate or deactivate the BWC per procedure, including any recommendations for a professional standards investigation to be initiated.


1. Violations of this policy are subject to corrective measures set forth in The Cedar Crest College Discipline Policy located in the Staff Handbook.


Cedar Crest College offers support services and resources to complainants of sexual misconduct. Complainants will be treated with sensitivity, dignity and respect. Depending on the nature of the offense and the status of the respondent, there may be instances when Cedar Crest College must take action to protect the complainant and/or members of the College Community. Confidential resources (i.e. the College chaplain) will not file a report for investigation. Other resources are required to follow up if the identity of the alleged assailant is known or can be determined. Although confidentiality cannot be assured, any follow up will be done with respect for the privacy of all involved in the incident.

On Campus Confidential Resources and Support Service

Cedar Crest College Chaplain: 610-606-4666 ext. 3473

On and Off Campus Resources and Support Services

Campus Police/Local Police

Cedar Crest College Campus Police
Calling from off-campus Phone: 610-437-4471
Calling from on-campus phone: Press “0”
Emergency (on-campus): Press “O”

Allentown Police Emergency: Dial “911”
Allentown Police Non-emergency: 610-437-7751
Allentown Police Special Victims Unit: 610-437-7798

Medical Treatment

Cedar Crest College Health & Counseling Services: 610-606-4640
(Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.)

Lehigh Valley Hospital: 610-402-8000
(Cedar Crest Facility)
Lehigh Valley Hospital E.R.: 610-402-2226
(17th & Chew Streets)

St. Luke’s Hospital: 610-628-8300
1736 Hamilton Street, Allentown

Counseling Services

Cedar Crest College
Health & Counseling Services: 610-606-4640
(Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.)

Crime Victims Counsel of Lehigh Valley: 610-437-6611
(24 hours)

Crises Intervention (24 hours): 610-782-3127

Turning Point (24 hours): 610-437-3369

Administrative Offices

Dean of Students: 610-606-4680 or “0” to contact after hours
Cedar Crest College Ethics Hotline: 877-309-9396
Residence Life: 610-606-4603
Graduate Hall Directors & Residence Advisors: Contact information is posted in the
entranceway in the residence halls
On-call staff member: 610-437-4471
or “0” from a campus phone

Title IX Coordinator: 610-606-4666 ext. 3584

Any offense motivated by hatred toward the actual or perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity of another individual or group of individuals may be defined as a hate crime.

An offense can be, but is not limited to, the following, and does not include bias incidents (incidents not involving violence or threat of violence): stalking, harassment, graffiti, assault, simple assault, intimidation, larceny-theft, arson and destruction, damage or vandalism of property. Anyone committing such acts can be referred to the Dean of Student Affairs for disciplinary action, as well as facing prosecution under Pennsylvania law.

  1. All concerns of a possible missing person should be reported to the Cedar Crest College Campus Police by dialing “0” from any campus telephone or 610-437-4471 from an off campus phone.
  2. Upon receipt of the report, a Campus Police Officer will immediately be dispatched to the concerned party to initiate an investigation, and the Chief of the Campus Police and on-call Residence Hall Staff will be notified, in the case of a missing student.
  3. The responding Officer(s) will gather all necessary information related to the incident  from the person(s) reporting the missing person, including, but not limited to: a physical description including clothing worn when last seen, where the person was last seen and if the student was with anyone, concerns about the mental or physical condition of the person, etc.
  4. Officers will make every effort to find the person on campus.  Officers will also check to see if the missing person’s vehicle is on campus and if the person has accessed any area via the Door Access System or if she had signed in any guests, in the case of a student.  Other students, friends and acquaintances may also be interviewed.
  5. After a search of the Campus has been completed and if no further information has been forthcoming; the Chief of the Campus Police or his designee, in consultation with the Dean of Students, in the case of a missing student or the Executive Vice President, in the case of a missing employee, may choose to notify the Campus Community to ask for help in locating the missing person.  Notification can be done using any combination of our Mass Notification Systems.
  6. The Chief of the Campus Police or his designee, may choose to file a missing persons report with the Allentown Police Department after all other avenues have been explored.  All pertinent information relative to the incident will be provided to the responding Allentown Police Officer.
  7. Any and all community inquiries into the matter will be referred to College Relations or a designated spokesperson.
  8. No later than 24 hours after the initial report, the missing person’s emergency contact will be notified by the Campus Police and or Student Affairs, in the case of a missing student.
  9. In the case of a missing student that is less than 18 years old, the student’s parent/parents or legal guardian/guardians shall be notified no later than 24 hours after the initial report.
  10. In the case of a missing student that is over 18 years old and has not designated anyone to be notified, notification to the Allentown Police Department will suffice.
  11. As per standard operating procedures, a detailed report of the incident will be generated by the responding Campus Police Officer.

Although we encourage the reporting of campus criminal activity directly to CCC Campus Police, in some instances members of the campus community may choose to file a report with another campus security authority. For reporting purposes at CCC, campus security authorities have been designated as:

Campus Police

Dean of Student Affairs

Director of Residence Life

Assistant Director of Residence Life

Graduate Hall Directors

Resident Advisors

Residence Hall Directors

Athletic Director

Assistant Coaches

Human Resources

Community Service

Title IX Coordinator

Career and Academic Planning

Advisors to Student Organizations

Multicultural Student Services

In certain instances, a crime victim may be reluctant to file a report fearing the process and/or loss of her/his anonymity. In such circumstances, crime victims are encouraged to consider making a confidential report to one of the designated campus security authorities. At a minimum, crime victims will receive valuable counseling and referral information. Confidential reports are important because they provide valuable information that will enhance the safety of the community-at-large. The statistics gathered provide a more accurate portrait of actual campus crime.

Community members, students, faculty, staff and guests are encouraged to report all crimes and public safety related incidents to Campus Security in a timely manner. To report a crime or an emergency on the campus of CCC, call Campus Police by pressing “0” (“operator”) or, from outside the campus phone system, 610-437-4471. To report a non-emergency security or public safety related matter, call Campus Police at extension 3522 or, from outside the campus phone system, 610-606-4642. Dispatchers operate these telephone numbers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. In response to a call, CCC Campus Police will take the required action by dispatching an officer or asking the individual to stop by the Campus Police office to file an incident report.

All Campus Police incident reports are forwarded to the Dean of Student Affairs for review and potential action by the Dean or Honor and Judicial Board. Campus Police officers will investigate a report when it is deemed appropriate. Additional information obtained via the investigation will also be forwarded to the Dean of Student Affairs. If assistance is required from the City of Allentown Police, Fire Department, or other public safety entity, Campus Police will contact the appropriate unit. If a sexual assault should occur, staff on the scene, including Campus Police officers, will offer the victim a wide variety of services. Publications that are produced contain information about on-campus and off-campus resources. That information is made available to provide CCC community members with specific information about the resources that are available in the event that they become the victim of a crime.

The information about “resources” is not provided to infer that those resources are “reporting entities” for CCC. Crimes should be reported to CCC Campus Police to ensure inclusion in the annual crime statistics and to aid in providing timely warning notices to the community, when appropriate. A crime that was reported only to the Allentown Police Department may not be included in the CCC crime statistics.

It is the responsibility of Campus Police personnel to lock and unlock all campus buildings according to class schedules and Campus events. Access to institutional facilities by employees is on an as-needed basis. Visitors to the campus seeking access to campus buildings and facilities for special events must do so through an individual host, sponsoring department, Campus Police or reservations.

CCC offers traditional residence halls, which provide on-campus housing for approximately 600 students. All housing is for undergraduate women. Rooms are designed for single, double or triple occupancy. Security safeguards within the residence halls include restricted access, guest registration and external door prop alarm systems. Access to CCC housing facilities is limited to residents, escorted guests and CCC staff. Professional Residence Life Coordinators and student Resident Advisors, who are all members of the CCC Residence Life staff, live on campus and provide 24-hour staff coverage.

Most importantly, residents are reminded of safety and security issues at orientation, the opening floor meetings and in the student handbook. Students are asked to keep their rooms locked at all times even when occupied, to observe building security procedures and to notify Residence Life Staff or the Campus Police of any unfamiliar guests or unusual incidents within the residence halls.

All Residence Life staff members in the halls undergo training each semester for both prevention and response regarding safety and security issues.

The main door of each residence hall is equipped with a keyless entry system. Persons entering or leaving each residence hall must do so through the main entrance and access to the main door is restricted to authorized personnel and students with electronic access tags. The use of these electronic access tags is recorded by a computer which is located in the Campus Police office. All secondary doors to the residence halls are locked and connected to alarms 24 hours a day.

Each residence hall room is equipped with its own fire detection device. The alarm system is centralized at the College switchboard and is monitored 24 hours a day. Should unauthorized exit or entry occur or, if a fire detector is activated, an alarm will sound both at the site of the problem and at the switchboard. This alarm will audibly and visually identify the site of the problem and display at the switchboard the time, date, location of the problem and print out a complete record of alarms. Once an alarm has been set off and the building identified, an officer will be dispatched to investigate and to take necessary action.

Residence hall windows are equipped with locks, and room keys are issued to each resident upon move-in. In the event that a key is lost or stolen, that loss must be reported to the Director of Residence Life and to the Campus Police as quickly as possible. If a room key is lost or a student leaves and does not return her key, a charge of $50 will be assessed for replacement. Keys may not be duplicated. Students are responsible for their keys and are not permitted to loan their keys to anyone. Students found duplicating or lending their room keys may be subject to disciplinary action.

Residence Life Coordinators (hereinafter “RCs”) are full time Student Affairs professionals who also live in the residence halls. Resident Advisors (hereinafter “RAs”) are student staff members who live on each floor of the halls. All RCs and RAs are issued staff manuals that cover protocols to be followed in the event of emergencies. The written material is reinforced by instructional training sessions presented by the Director of Residence Life. Custodial and Maintenance personnel are also instructed on building security protocol and must sign in and out when their duties take them inside the residence halls. Campus Police officers also conduct routine patrols through the residence halls on a continual basis.

For each vacation period, a specific closing time for the halls will be indicated. All students are expected to vacate their rooms by this deadline. Unauthorized occupancy can lead to disciplinary action being taken. Students may be required to relocate to another building during the break for safety or logistical reasons.

Break periods are used for general maintenance. Students may expect work crews in the buildings during these times. Failure to comply with residence hall break guidelines may result in fines or disciplinary sanctions.

During the first week of the academic year, new students are informed about security procedures. They are trained to accept responsibility for maintaining security for themselves and others and given written guidelines reinforcing the College’s policies and procedures via the student handbook which can also be accessed online.

Students participate in two fire drills per semester in their residence halls; any residence hall having an unsatisfactory fire drill is required to have an additional one.

Security related workshops and short courses such as the R.A.D. (Rape Aggression Defense) program are offered periodically throughout the year.  Fliers are distributed regularly to students, faculty and staff on a variety of topics, including self-protection in the home, on the highway and outdoors. Crime prevention programs include orientation workshops, individual floor meetings, residential community-wide presentations and educational programs. Safety and Security will also work with student groups to organize programs focused on campus and personal safety issues.

Weapons are prohibited on the campus of Cedar Crest College. All federal, state and local laws regulating the possession, use and sale of weapons are in force on the campus. Campus Police Officers do carry fire arms.

The College pre-screens employment applicants with a thorough reference check, including some or all of the following as applicable: a Pennsylvania Criminal records check, a public records check, a Credit Check, a Pennsylvania Driving Record Check and an Operators License Check.

In order to discourage criminal activity, the College’s buildings and grounds crew makes sure that the campus is well-lit at night and the bushes and trees are kept trimmed. During routine patrols, Campus Police officers make note of lights that are not operating, defective door and window locks, and safety and fire hazards. A written report is sent to maintenance personnel the following day for timely action.

Aside from direct, personal contact with the College Community, the Campus Police use campus mail, campus email, telephone and postings to communicate security matters.

CCC educates the student community about sexual assaults and date rape through mandatory freshmen orientations each fall. the Campus Police offer sexual assault education and information programs to CCC students and employees upon request. Literature on date rape education, risk reduction and CCC response is available through the Residence Life office.

If you are a victim of a sexual assault at CCC, your first priority should be to get to a place of safety. You should then obtain necessary medical treatment. The Cedar Crest College Campus Police strongly advocate that a victim of sexual assault report the incident in a timely manner. Time is a critical factor for evidence collection and preservation. An assault should be reported directly to a CCC Campus Police officer and/or to a Residence Life representative. Filing a police report with a CCC Campus Police officer will not obligate the victim to prosecute, nor will it subject the victim to scrutiny or judgmental opinions from officers.

Filing a police report will:

  • ensure that a victim of sexual assault receives the necessary medical treatment and tests, at no expense to the victim;
  • provide the opportunity for collection of evidence helpful in prosecution which cannot be obtained later (ideally a victim of sexual assault should not wash, douche, use the toilet or change clothing prior to a medical/legal exam); and,
  • assure the victim has access to free confidential counseling from counselors specifically trained in the area of sexual assault crisis intervention. When a sexual assault victim contacts CCC Campus Police, the City of Allentown Police Special Victims Unit will be notified as well. A representative from the Residence Life office will also be notified.

The victim of a sexual assault may choose to have the investigation pursued through the criminal justice system, the CCC Honor and Judicial Board, or both. A CCC representative from the Campus Police office or the Residence Life office will guide the victim through the available options and support the victim in her or his decision. Various counseling options are available through CCC and through the Health Services office. Counseling and support services outside the CCC system can be obtained through the Crime Victims Council of the Lehigh Valley at 610-437-6611.



If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, tell someone.

  1. You could report it to an RA, RC, Student Affairs Staff, Campus Police or even a trusted Professor or Administrator.
  2. Visit Health Services and speak to a Physician or Counselor. Call extension 3476 or 610-606-4640.
  3. If you want to file a formal complaint, or Health Services is gone for the day, contact the Campus Police by dialing “0” from a campus phone or 610-437-4471 from an “off campus” phone.


  1. “On campus” (internal) investigation and disciplinary action.
    1. Student Affairs and the Campus Police will explain the process.
    2. Physical evidence will be collected and processed.
    3. The scene will be investigated and witnesses will be questioned, in a timely fashion.
    4. Depending on the location of the incident, the Police Department that has jurisdiction may be called in to assist with the investigation or may in fact take over the part of the investigation which took place in that location.
    5. The Campus Police and Student Affairs will consult with the complainant about the contents of the “Federally Mandated Notice” which will be released to the campus community.
    6. The Dean of Students will receive the report on the completed investigation. The Dean of Students or her designee will coordinate with the Honor and Judicial Board on charges to be made and action to be taken or set up an Administrative Hearing Board to do the same.
    7. After hearing testimony from the complainant and the accused student (both may be accompanied by a “college” advisor) and any witnesses, the Board will make a decision on the guilt and what appropriate sanctions will be enforced.
    8. The complainant and the accused will be notified about the decision as soon as possible.
  2. Filing Criminal Charges.
    1. Student Affairs and the Campus Police will explain the process.
    2. The initial investigation starts the same as the “On Campus” investigation.
    3. Allentown Police will conduct the investigation with help from Cedar Crest College Campus Police.
    4. The completed investigation report will be sent to the Lehigh County District Attorney for possible prosecution in Criminal Court.
    5. The Campus Police and Student Affairs will consult with the complainant about the contents of the “Federally Mandated Notice” which will be released to the campus community.
  3. Filing both “On campus” and Criminal Charges.
    1. Filing both options listed above (1 & 2)
    2. Both “On Campus” and Criminal proceedings take place independently.
  4. Report the assault but do not file charges.
    1. Request a protection from abuse against the accused.
    2. The Campus Police and Student Affairs will consult with the complainant about the contents of the “Federally Mandated Notice” which will be released to the campus community.

Note: The complainant may choose to not use any of these procedures, but they are strongly encouraged to seek help from Health Services and the Counseling Staff.

For off campus counseling, support, and help for sexual assault victims, their family members and others close to them note the following contact information:

Agency: Crime Victims Council of the Lehigh Valley
Hotline Number: 610-437-6611

The Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act (hereinafter “CSCPA”) of 2000 is a federal law that provides for the tracking of convicted sex offenders enrolled at, or employed by, institutions of higher education. The CSCPA is an amendment to the Jacob Wetterling Crimes Against Children and Sexually Violent Offender Act. The federal law requires state law enforcement agencies (in Pennsylvania, it is the Pennsylvania State Police (hereinafter “PSP”) to provide CCC with a list of registered sex offenders who have indicated that they are enrolled, employed or carrying on a vocation at CCC. CCC is required to inform the campus community that a PSP registration list of sex offenders will be maintained and available at two campus locations: the Campus Police in the Physical Plant Building and the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs located in the Allen House.

The CSCPA further amends the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) to clarify that nothing in the Act can prohibit an educational institution from disclosing information provided to the institution concerning registered sex offenders.

This statement is provided in compliance with the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act of 2000. Information on registered sexually violent offenders can also be obtained from the Pennsylvania State Police or their website at

In the event that a situation arises, either on or off campus, that, in the judgment of a CCC Campus Police officer, constitutes an ongoing or continuing threat, a campus-wide “timely warning” will be issued. The warning will be issued through the College e-mail system to students, faculty, staff and, in some instances, the campus’ student newspaper, The Crestiad. Brightly colored notices will also be posted on the bulletin boards on each floor of the residence halls and on the Campus Police bulletin board located on the first floor of the Tompkins College Center (hereinafter “TCC”) and other campus buildings.

Anyone with information warranting a timely warning should report the circumstances to the Campus Police office by phone (ext. 3522) or in person at the Campus Police dispatch center within the Physical Plant Building that is located on the southeast corner of the campus behind Curtis Hall.

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