Wendy Robb
Dean for the School of Nursing/ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 12B
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4606)
Email: wjrobb@cedarcrest.edu

Michael Zalot
Chair of Business, Director of the Modular Master of Science program, and Associate ProfessorCurtis Hall 200
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4453)
Email: michael.zalot@cedarcrest.edu

Lawrence Quarino
Professor/DirectorMiller Bldg 8
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3567)
Email: laquarin@cedarcrest.edu

Scott Hoke
Associate ProfessorCurtis Hall 201
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4454)
Email: sahoke@cedarcrest.edu

Lauren Braun-Strumfels
Associate Professor of HistoryThe Narrows Rm 112
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3923)
Email: lbs@cedarcrest.edu

Jill Odegaard
Chair/ProfessorAlumnae Hall 3
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3347)
Email: jkodegaa@cedarcrest.edu

Casey Burke
Assistant Professor of Art Therapy and Internship CoordinatorAlumnae Hall 13
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3505 )
Email: casey.burke@cedarcrest.edu

William Wrightsman
Director of the Occupational Therapy Doctorate Program/Assistant ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 34
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4486)

Christine Carpino
Chair/Associate ProfessorThe Narrows Rm 121
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3396)
Email: ccarpino@cedarcrest.edu

Sandra Axt
Coordinator RN to BSN Program/Senior InstructorHamilton Blvd Bldg 31
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3430)
Email: sdaxt@cedarcrest.edu

Dianne Babbitt
Associate ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 41A
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3609)
Email: dmbabbit@cedarcrest.edu

Christine Batchelor
InstructorHamilton Blvd Bldg 29
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3929)
Email: CmBatchelor@cedarcrest.edu

Thomas Brettell
Professor Emeritus of ChemistryPhone: 610-606-4666 (x N/A)
Email: tabrette@cedarcrest.edu

Karen Bensinger
Assistant ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 32
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3746)
Email: kabensin@cedarcrest.edu

Scott V. Bartkus
Director of the MBA Program, Assistant ProfessorCurtis 214
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3743)
Email: Svbartkus@cedarcrest.edu

Annia Ciezadlo
InstructorGenres: Fiction, nonfiction, and cross-genre writing
Phone: 610-606-4666
Languages Spoken
Annia Ciezadlo
Languages Spoken
- English
- French

Gwyneth Lewis
InstructorGenres: Poetry, nonfiction, radio plays, opera libretti, and stage plays
Phone: 610-606-4666
Languages Spoken
Gwyneth Lewis
Languages Spoken
- English
- French
- Spanish

Gail Brown
Clinical Coach and Resource Specialist/InstructorHamilton Blvd Bldg 26
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3801)
Email: Gail.Brown@cedarcrest.edu

Deborah Burnett-Olsen
Director of the Nurse Anesthesia Program/Assistant ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 23
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3747)

Nancy Crane-Roberts
Director of Health Services/Assistant ProfessorCurtis Hall 106
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4640)
Email: nroberts@cedarcrest.edu

Jacklyn DelPrete
Assistant Director of Graduate Nursing ProgramsHamilton Blvd Bldg 20
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4485)

Amy Droskinis
InstructorHamilton Blvd Bldg 33
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3738)
Email: amy.droskinis@cedarcrest.edu

Eileen Fruchtl
Director of the Accelerated BSN Program/Senior InstructorHamilton Blvd Bldg 30
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4484)
Email: ejfrucht@cedarcrest.edu

Joel Guerrero
Assistant ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 37
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3573)
Email: joel.guerrero@cedarcrest.edu

Aimee Ketchum
OT Academic Field Work Coord/Assistant ProfessorCurtis 205
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3497)
Email: aimee.ketchum@cedarcrest.edu

Mark Koch
Doctoral Capstone Coordinator/Assistant ProfessorCurtis Hall 358
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4507)
Email: mark.koch@cedarcrest.edu

Teri Krassen
Assistant ProfessorHamilton Blvd Building 35
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3493)
Email: teri.krassen@cedarcrest.edu

Jill Hanisak
Assistant ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 42B
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3810)
Email: Jill.Hanisak@cedarcrest.edu

Jason Lipow
Assistant Professor of ArtAlumnae Hall 210
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3723)
Email: jason.lipow@cedarcrest.edu

Peter Nagy
Associate Professor of EnglishThe Narrows Rm 111
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3417)
Email: pnagy@cedarcrest.edu

Nina Patel
Assistant Professor of BusinessCurtis 202
Phone: 610-606-4666
Email: nipun.patel@cedarcrest.edu
Languages Spoken
Nina Patel
Languages Spoken
- Gujarati

Beverly Magda
Founding Director of the Elaine and John Harmon CenterCurtis Hall 215
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4563)
Email: beverly.magda@cedarcrest.edu

Suzanne Weaver
Chair Social Sciences/ProfessorCurtis Hall 233
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3500)
Email: slweaver@cedarcrest.edu

Kathleen Boland
Program Director, Social Work/ProfessorCurtis Hall 232
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3499)
Email: kpboland@cedarcrest.edu

Chelsea Toth
Asst Professor/Dir of Field Education-BSWCurtis Hall 231
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4564)
Email: chelsea.toth@cedarcrest.edu

James Scepansky
Chair/Associate ProfessorCurtis Hall 118
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3424)
Email: jascepan@cedarcrest.edu

Micah Sadigh
Chair/ProfessorCurtis Hall 119
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3715)
Email: micasa@cedarcrest.edu

Sharon Himmanen
Associate ProfessorCurtis Hall 117
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3416)
Email: sahimman@cedarcrest.edu

Kelly Mazur
Assistant ProfessorCurtis Hall 356
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4589)
Email: kelly.mazur@cedarcrest.edu

Shelley Depinto
Assistant ProfessorMiller Bldg 16
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4487)
Email: Sdepinto@cedarcrest.edu

Pamela Gescek
Office ManagerHamilton Blvd Building 38
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4568)
Email: pamela.gescek@cedarcrest.edu

Alexis Koskovich
Administrative Assistant OT Academic FieldworkCurtis Hall 207
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3806)

Martine Scannavino
Professor/Chair, The Allen Chair of Nutrition, Director of the Master in Nutrition, Director of the Dietetic InternshipMiller Bldg 18
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3486)
Email: miscanna@cedarcrest.edu

Anne Burdine
Director, Dietetic InternshipMiller Bldg 11
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3621)
Email: anne.burdine@cedarcrest.edu

Patricia Lasalle
InstructorMiller Bldg 11
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3668)
Email: plasalle@cedarcrest.edu

Rachel Torres
Administrative Assistant to the Doctoral Capstone CoordinatorCurtis Hall 207
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3807)
Email: Rachel.Torres@cedarcrest.edu

Kevin Gallagher
Associate Professor/Technical DirectorTompkins College Ctr 115
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3439)
Email: kpgallag@cedarcrest.edu

Roxanne Amico
Chair/ProfessorTompkins College Ctr 113
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3619)
Email: rtamico@cedarcrest.edu

Mae Ann Pasquale
Associate ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 28
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3624)
Email: mpasqual@cedarcrest.edu

Roxann Wagner
Senior InstructorHamilton Blvd Bldg 27
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4490)
Email: rewagner@cedarcrest.edu

Teresa A. Wenner
Chair of Undergraduate Nursing Programs/Assistant ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 18
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4446)
Email: Teresa.Wenner@cedarcrest.edu

Catherine Zurawski
Chair of Graduate Nursing Programs/Associate ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 19
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3342)

Rachel Ackley
Dietetic Internship Clinical CoordinatorMiller Bldg 4
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3542)
Email: rachel.ackley@cedarcrest.edu

Stefanie Cecconi
Scheduling Coordinator Graduate Nursing ProgramsHamilton Blvd Bldg 13
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3745)

Brendan Conway
Nursing Simulation Center TechnicianHamilton Blvd Bldg 39A
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4561)

Tamara Eddinger
Office Manager, Clinical LiaisonHamilton Blvd Bldg 16
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3488)
Email: taedding@cedarcrest.edu

Adam Hough
Nursing Simulation Center ManagerHamilton Blvd Bldg 14
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3492)
Email: adam.hough@cedarcrest.edu

Mackenzie Lewis
Administrative Assistant Undergraduate Nursing ProgramsHamilton Blvd Bldg 12
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3322)

Tricia Ouellette
Administrative Assistant Graduate Nursing ProgramsHamilton Blvd Bldg 12
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4402)

Michelle Rieder
Nursing Simulation Operation SpecialistHamilton Blvd Bldg 39
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4561)

Joshua Harrington
Associate Professor/ChairCurtis Hall 221
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3369)
Email: jsharrin@cedarcrest.edu

David Heska Wanbli Weiden
InstructorGenres: Fiction
Phone: 610-606-4666
Email: david.weiden@cedarcrest.edu

Carol Pulham
Professor of EnglishThe Narrows Rm 110
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3395)
Email: capulham@cedarcrest.edu

Alison Wellford
Associate Professor/Director of MFA ProgramGenres: Fiction, nonfiction, and cross-genre writing
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3394)
Email: acwellfo@cedarcrest.edu
Languages Spoken
Alison Wellford
Languages Spoken
- English
- Spanish

Janine Kishbaugh
QA/QC Manager/InstructorOberkotter Ctr 5
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3643)
Email: jmperna@cedarcrest.edu

Hollie Gibbons
Assistant ProfessorHamilton Blvd Bldg 41B
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4565)
Email: hgibbon@cedarcrest.edu

Bonnie Heydt
Compliance CoordinatorMiller Bldg 3
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3540)
Email: boheydt@cedarcrest.edu

Tracy McCann
Administrative AssistantMiller Bldg 14
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3457)
Email: Tracy.McCann@cedarcrest.edu

Sarah Carlson
Associate ProfessorSteinbright Hall
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3533)
Email: scarlson@cedarcrest.edu
Languages Spoken
Sarah Carlson
Languages Spoken
- English
- French

Leslee Schoonover
Scheduling Coordinator Undergraduate Nursing ProgramsHamilton Blvd Bldg 15
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4527)

Michael R. Salter
Assistant Professor of Criminal JusticeCurtis hall 237
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3320)

Sarah Fields
Office Manage/Coordinator of Field and StudenCurtis Hall 223
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3422)
Email: sarah.fields@cedarcrest.edu

Ivonne Miranda
Assistant Professor, Supervisor of Field & Student Teaching, Director of Graduate ProgramCurtis Hall 225
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3616)

Marianne Staretz
Associate ProfessorOberkotter Ctr 7
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3608)
Email: mestaret@cedarcrest.edu

David Raker
Assistant ProfessorScience Center 124
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3684)
Email: draker@cedarcrest.edu

Lindsey Welch
Associate ProfessorMiller Bldg 2
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3615)
Email: lawelch@cedarcrest.edu

Brian McKee
Technical SpecialistMiller Bldg 9
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3519)
Email: brian.mckee@cedarcrest.edu

Carol Ritter
Senior InstructorMiller Bldg 10
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4488)
Email: cjritter@cedarcrest.edu

James Brancato
Professor of CommunicationHartzel Hall 231
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3470)
Email: jpbranca@cedarcrest.edu

Audrey Ettinger
Chair of Biological Sciences; Associate ProfessorScience Center 108
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3512)
Email: ajetting@cedarcrest.edu

K. Joy Karnas
Professor/Director of the Honors ProgramMiller Bldg 28
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3681)
Email: kjkarnas@cedarcrest.edu

Eileen Epsaro
Assistant ProfessorScience Center 112
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x4443)
Email: eepsaro@cedarcrest.edu

Andre Walther
Associate ProfessorMiller Bldg 25
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3513)
Email: awalther@cedarcrest.edu

Aisling Doyle
Lab ManagerOberkotter Ctr 4
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3647)
Email: aisling.doyle@cedarcrest.edu

Jeanne Berk
Associate ProfessorScience Center 121
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3507)
Email: jrberk@cedarcrest.edu

Brigitte Nassar
Administrative AssistantCurtis 216
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3405)
Languages Spoken
Brigitte Nassar
Languages Spoken
- Arabic
- English

Margaret Mills
Assistant ProfessorAlumnae Hall 210
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3723)
Email: mcmills@cedarcrest.edu

William Singleton
Assistant ProfessorHartzel Hall 1
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3418)
Email: whsingle@cedarcrest.edu

Laura Teoli
Dir of the Master in Art Therapy Pr/Asst ProfAlumnae Hall 13
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3505)
Email: laura.teoli@cedarcrest.edu

Brian Wiggins
Gallery CoordinatorAlumnae Hall 210
Phone: 610-606-4666 (x3469)
Email: bwwiggin@cedarcrest.edu